Thursday 8 July 2010

The Diversity of Architectural Antiques

We are very diverse in the range of stock we hold.  That's architectural antiques for you - it is vast and covers both interior and exterior pieces.  From cast iron stoves and fire surrounds to statues and water features through to smaller items including encaustic floor tiles and antique plant pots, our collection is a veritable treasure trove of collectibles for the home and garden.

We exhibit regularly at a variety of trade shows and fairs, and are well known for our outstanding displays.  We like to stand out from the crowd, and spend time and effort creating fantastic displays that attract many  'oohs' and 'ahhs' from visitors.

We maintain the same standards at our business.  The eight acres of gardens, woodland and water we are fortunate to have around us provide fabulous backdrops for the range of architectural antiques we stock.

Here are just a few pictures of those displays.

Victorian Planter with lupins and hostas displayed amongst foliage and rockery

River God displayed amongst silver birch and foliage

Coalbrookdale seating displayed in the fernery

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